Milk and lunch are available for students in Grades K-8.
Milk is ordered via a Cariina Lunch & Milk Board for each Trimester. The cost of the milk order will be billed to a family's account. Full payment of milk order is due upon receipt of invoice.
Lunch is ordered via a Cariina Lunch & Milk Board (google script) for each Trimester. The cost of the lunch order will be billed to your account. Full payment of lunch order is due upon receipt of invoice.
Parents must order before each deadline. The school will not accommodate changes to lunch orders once the system has closed. Requests for canceling a particular day’s order for the remainder of the trimester must be made via email to [email protected] by 12/6/2024 for Trimester 2. Any cancellations made by this date will be accommodated starting the week of12/16/2024 for Trimester 2. Single day cancellations cannot be accommodated.
We are offering the following lunch options:
Monday: Antonia's Pasta & Meatballs
Tuesday: Subway
Wednedsay: Mansfield Deli's Breaded Chicken Fingers
Thursday: Subway
Friday: Cousins Pizza Slice 1 or 2