What does SPA do? SPA supports the enhancement of education through enrichment programs in all areas of our curriculum, as well as community service and social events. Our goal is to create a sense of community and caring between parents, staff, and students while raising funds to support projects and programs that otherwise would not be funded by the current budget.
How often does SPA meet? We generally meet once a month. Younger siblings are welcome to attend! Please check Family Portal and the weekly parent memo for prior months’ meeting notes and the most updated schedule and announcements.
Who is on the SPA Board? Officers serve two-year terms; the current board is for 2024-2025. Feel free to contact any of us if you have a question or idea!
President: Lindsay Hobart
Vice-President: Hannah Fletcher
Treasurer: Louann Hogberg
Secretary: Laura Forth
How do I join SPA? All SMCS parents/guardians are automatically members of SPA!